

Stronger Together

CA$ 2,200.00 CAD

Geese are an example of leadership. They teach us some valuable lessons. Geese take turns in leading the gaggle. As each bird moves it creates an uplift for the bird behind, thus making it much easier for her to fly. When the lead bird gets tired, she retreats and someone else takes the lead. If a bird gets injured, one or two geese stop to look after it. Geese present a model of shared leadership, teamwork, interdependence and working collaboratively for the success of the whole group. The lead bird’s wings are formulated with all the other geese in the gaggle who are soaring up through the sky as individual birds and at the same time as one single entity with a single mission.

Mixed media
The Story Behind

"If you want to walk fast, walk alone. But if you want to walk far, walk together.' - Ratan Tata

Canadian geese fly south every year before winter sets in. They fly in V formation and cover up to 1500 miles (2214 km) in a single day! This, by any stretch of the imagination is FAR!!

Hence traveling together is the only way it can be done, as Ratan Tata said.

This is possible only with sharing the responsibility of leading the pack and constantly supporting each other.

Why am I fascinated by geese even though they are quite a nuisance in many areas? I held the top leadership position of President of the New Brunswick Teachers Association. Hence, leadership examples, and how to lead are of great interest to me. This is the inspiration behind this painting.